Using regular maple syrup alone will not give you the correct balance of minerals and nutrients your body needs.
Peppermint tea especially supports the cleansing process, offers relief from headaches, cleanses the palate and neutralizes any mouth or body odours that may arise. Teas and juices should only be sweetened with the Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup, if at all, and don’t use or add any dairy products.
When you go on a cleansing detox like The Lemon Detox, your body can overcome these addictions by getting a break from your normal diet. By the third or fourth day of The Lemon Detox, you’ll most likely feel really good, healthy, vibrant and clear because your body is cleaning out all the junk in your system. When you come off of The Lemon Detox you won’t want to go back to your old diet because you feel so good, and the mere idea of eating junk food will seem repulsive. Once you break these addictions your body literally tells your mind, “I don’t want this stuff in my system.”
Most people who perform The Lemon Detox do it as a way of starting a new, better diet and lifestyle. The detox cleans you out. You’ll lose excess weight and then feel so good that you’ll want to launch into a consistently better diet and lifestyle. We constantly get feedback from people who reconfirm this. For more information about using The Lemon Detox to launch into a healthier more natural diet please see our Maintaining Good Health page.
Apibal bee pollen (a special freeze-cracked bee pollen that is the only one we can find that is 100% digestible) is also highly recommended for those that have just finished the detox. It contains a huge array of mineral and nutrients that will help the body maintain optimum weight and health.
If you are going to go “cold turkey” off coffee during the cleanse you might experience some caffeine withdrawal symptoms like headaches and irritability. This is because coffee is very addictive and really not very good for most people. If you have coffee withdrawal symptoms they usually last 1 to 3 days. You might want to slowly wean yourself off coffee before the detox or be prepared to take extra rest the first few days.
By the time you get to the fifth day, you will hopefully feel so good that you will probably question whether or not you really want to go back to drinking coffee. At least it will give you some perspective on it.
Nevertheless, gentle exercise is very helpful to the cleansing process. The key is finding the right balance of activity and rest. Adequate rest is crucial during The Lemon Detox. While resting, the body performs its vital cleansing tasks.
Athletes in training may experience a reduction in stamina and are advised to cut back 60-70% of normal training intensity for the duration of the detox. Far from interfering with your training The Lemon Detox is a wise investment for any athlete. Most athletes return to full training after the detox with renewed energy and enthusiasm. There are world class athletes who perform The Lemon Detox several times per year as part of the “recovery phase” of their training. You’ll find that your body performs more efficiently when it is cleansed and purified, experiencing higher energy levels and performance.
Some people like to dry brush their skin during the cleanse. Dry brushing promotes lymphatic drainage and helps to loosen the toxins stored in fat pockets under your skin. Use a natural bristle brush or a loofah to brush the skin of your entire body starting from the feet, moving upwards towards the heart. Repeat this every morning and night before your bath.
The main thing is to be patient with the whole process. It sometimes takes more than a week to cleanse the body fully. Some people need to repeat the detox to fully cleanse their body, especially if they were particularly toxic to begin with. Remember that just by trying the detox you are doing your body a tremendous favour and it will reward you for it. Enjoy!